Shuchir Jain

An avid developer interested in engineering and photography.

View My Resume @CoolCoderSJ @snoweo

Work Experience


Community Moderation Volunteer    -    JAN 2022 - JUN 2023

I helped moderate the now semi-defunct replit site community as well as the replit discord community.

Peebles Volunteer Fire Department

Tech Assistant    -    JUN 2023 - Present

At the PDVFC, I'm currently helping modernize the website as well as migrate the system used for emails.

Pendemer Productions

Tech Assistant    -    JAN 2023 - MAR 2023

At Pendemer Productions, I helped improve how tickets are issued as well as fixed some bugs with their website.

Volunteer Work


Co-Founder, Co-CEO, CTO, CFO

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Administrative Officer

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Co-Founder, Co-COO

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Steel City Codes

Regional Director

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Here's everything I've made.


An experiment in cybersecurity. When you insert a raspberry pi pico (or a rubber ducky) into a laptop with this script, the script automatically grabs your chrome passwords, decrypts them, and sends them to me in a notification.

View on Github

NFC Business Cards

My first attempt at PCB (printed circuit board) fabrication. The project consists of a business card that uses NFC technology. NFC is near field communication, and it means when the card is tapped to a phone, the phone receives (and might open) a custom link stored on the card.

View Schematic and Design

Motion Controlled Lights

An ESP8266 API based board that looks at motion in and out of my room and turns my room's lights on and off accordingly. It tracks how many people are in the room, which means the lights won't turn off until everyone leaves.


The easiest way for event organizers to get started with their event. Features rich attendee management, customizable registration forms, public schedules, ability to send email blasts, project collection and gallery, a panel for judges, and a public page on your own subdomain.


A platform to sync Android's Health Connect data to the cloud letting you access it via a REST API from anywhere. Also acts as a universal API for multiple health apps like Fitbit, Strava, Samsung Health, etc.


An AI-powered homework assistant. StudentMate finds assignments from your LMS using AI and adds them to a todo list.


Another flight tracker that features offline support, SMS notifications, boarding passes, bag tracking, and live flight tracking.


A search engine compiler. Collects results from 4 different search engines and smartly compiles them onto one page.


Easily see how climate change is adversely affecting the Earth and find out what you can do to stop it. Aggregates data directly from sources like NASA, NOAA, and Google's Project Sunroof.


A mobile application to help type 1 diabetic patients manage their diabetes easier. Featuring Dexcom integration, meal management and insulin calculation, pen tracking, and more.


Another feature rich URL shortener featuring geotracking, qr codes, browser/os/device collection, referrer collection, custom domains, and more.

Token Revoker

A discord bot that continuously scans the server for leaked discord bot tokens and slack tokens and automatically revokes them.


I don't just code!

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